Club Event

destroy the machine

The MET pres. DESTROY THE MACHINES (Sydney) – Fri 21 Nov

The MET is excited to welcome the trickiest and hotly anticipated DJ collaboration to hit the Australian circuit is duo Destroy The Machines to our main room this Friday!


Their name speaks for itself. Superior scratching skills understates their technical ability. Destroy The Machines are bass-driven dance music DJs and respected turntablists who push the equipment like no other. Using a set-up of four decks and two mixers, Destroy the Machines furiously sample and scratch their way through each set playing a wide range of tunes to create a glitchy energetic sound you must hear to believe!

Music style you ask? These dynamos are defined by no genre. Each set is determined by you, the dancer. Free from predetermined arrangements or promoter’s requests, they draw on their experience and play to the BPMs.

As individuals, these two have carved a reputation as unique and energetic so it is no surprise Destroy The Machines will deliver a quality performance with perfection each and every time they take to the decks.


$20 On The Door / Cheaper On A Guest List